Ammonium Sulphate

Ammonium Sulphate


A tried and tested nitrogen fertiliser containing sulphur. Domogran® can be spread before growth starts in the Spring. Low temperatures combined with natural inhibition of nitrification ensure that the ammonium phase is long lasting. Sulphur is directly absorbed through the roots in the form of sulphate. By partially acidifying the soil, Domogran® also makes the availability of the micronutirents Mn, Fe, B, Cu and ZN more certain. Sulphur, is an important building block in the synthesis of proteins, ensures the healthy growth of plants, and that both the yields and the quality of the crops are high. Domogran® improves the take up of phosphorus in soils where the phosphorous has been fixed as calcium phosphate.



Size: 2-4mm

Origin: German
Bulk Density: 1.02 kg/litre

Analysis: 21N 60SO3 Compound


With the correct spreader settings, this fertiliser spreads to bouts of 36 metres. To achieve the specified spreading ranges it is necessary to use the spreading equipment in a professional manner according to the manufacturers instructions. Spreading tables are available on all spreader manufacturers' websites.


Available in Bulk, 600kg and 1000kg bags

Please use the below spreader settings as a guide. We advise you to contact your spreader manufacturer or SCS to set up your spreader prior to application*

Bulk Density kg/l 0.99      
Average Strength kg 3.3 600 32M 7
Size Analysis mm 0 to 2 2 to 3.3 3.3 to 4.75 > 4.75
  in % 5 75 20 0
  Disc/Vane Type Spreader Height/Tilt PTO/Disc Speed Spread Width Spread Setting
Kuhn Axis 30.1 S6 60 600 32M 7
  S8 60 600 32M 8
  S8 60 650 36M 9
Amazone ZAM OM 24-36 80 540 32M 18/50
  OM 24-36 80 600 36M 17/54

All settings for application rate of 250kg/ha at 10km/h.

Ammonium Sulphate
Select Grade


Light brown clear crystalline fertiliser for spreading bouts of up to 36 metres. Spreader settings available upon request.


Size: 2-5mm
Origin: Polish

Bulk Density: 0.86 - 0.98 kg/dm3

Analysis: 21N 60SO3 Compound


Available in 600kg and 1000kg bags


Please use the below spreader settings as a guide. We advise you to contact your spreader manufacturer or SCS to set up your spreader prior to application.*

  Disc/Vane Type Spreader Height/Tilt PTO/Disc Speed Spread Width Spread Setting
Amazone ZAM OM 24-36 80 540 24M 06/35
  OM 24-36 80 540 36M 90/96
KRM EX Trend E6T 75 540 24M POS 1&2
  E8T 75 650 36M POS 1&2

All settings for application rate of 250kg/ha at 10km/h.

We have commissioned SCS Spreader & Sprayer Testing Ltd to perform spreader calibrations on all of our products. All spreader settings are to be use the below as a guide. We advise you to contact your spreader manufacturer or SCS to set up your spreader prior to application.

27N 12SO3

A quality nitrogen sulphur compound, perfect for farmers who want to spread to bouts of 36 metres... FIND OUT MORE


To discuss what is happening in the fertiliser market, please contact your local farm trader, merchant or agent.


Or please call us on 01652 652933

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