Keep up to date with what's new at Diamond Fertilisers....
DATE: October 2022
Optimising nitrogen applications is essential for farm profitability and sustainability. BASF’s product, Limus®, reduces nitrogen losses from urea-based fertilisers, improving their nitrogen use
efficiency and environmental footprint.
It is widely documented that the challenge with applied nitrogen is that only about 50% is taken up by crops, with the rest being lost to the air and water or bound to the soil.
Urea-based fertilisers are most prone to ammonia volatilisation, as urea is not readily available to plants and first needs to be converted into ammonium by urease enzymes, through a process
called hydrolysis. If this reaction occurs on the soil surface, it can result in losses of nitrogen in the form of ammonia. The extent of the loss depends on the environmental conditions after
A high soil pH, as well as certain environmental conditions, which were widely experienced this spring, can increase the risk of ammonia losses from granular urea fertilisers. These are namely low
rainfall, dry or drying soils and warm soil temperatures
The use of a registered urease inhibitor, such as BASF’s Limus®, available as Limus® protected urea from Diamond Fertilisers can reduce these ammonia losses by up to 98%.
Trevor Needham, one of BASF’s Real Results 50 growers based in Nottinghamshire, took part in a tramline trial in conjunction with Thomas Bell & Sons Ltd, comparing ammonium nitrate with Limus®
protected urea - Diamond Fertiliser’s N-Shield® Granular Urea 46%N.
Mr Needham said, “My main reason for taking part in the trial was to see if protected urea could become a cost-effective source of nitrogen for us. The trial field is a very light sandy site and I
have always considered urea unsuitable for our sand land, particularly in dry years, like this one, because of volatilisation. However, if we can get some efficient use from N-Shield then this may
bring back a cheaper source of nitrogen to us.”
Mr Needham’s tramline trial was in a field of Costello winter wheat and was set out by ADAS using their Agronomics approach, to ensure scientifically credible results.
Limus® is the only urease inhibitor available with two active ingredients enabling it to bind to a wider variety of urease enzymes resulting in less ammonia lost, making Limus® the most effective
urease inhibitor available. The formulation of Limus® is based on patented BASF polymer technology which provides longer active ingredient stability compared to generic formulations and under normal
UK conditions the Limus® treated urea has effectively a two year shelf life.
To talk to us about making the change to using Granular Urea Protected by Limus, give us a call on 01652 652933.
It's great to be able to capture one of our lorries leaving farm following delivery of fertiliser. He’s now making his way back to the port where he will collect his next load. Our fleet of
lorries allows us to quickly adapt and support our customers needs #qualityservice #customerservice #fertiliser #fert #qualityserviceprice #diamondfertilisers #pulan #lithan #fertspreading
#harvest2020 #scania #wheelsoffertiliser
We are proud to introduce N-Shield using the most effective urease inhibitor available Limus® by BASF.
For more information please click here
We are now offering longer opening hours for hauliers to collect fertiliser at ABP Immingham Bulk Park. We hope the longer opening hours will be more convenient for hauliers and allow our
transport network to improve the service we offer to our customers.
Open Monday to Friday - 6am to 6pm (last vehicle on the weighbride at 5:30pm) - continuous loading
Visit Hall 7 Stand 796 on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th January for your chance to WIN a VIP trip in a helicopter and behind the scenes tour of a new blending plant in Immingham.
The blending plant tour will give you the unique opportunity to experience the whole process of how our products are made – from the arrival of the raw materials into the port to the finished product
in a bag. At the state-of-the-art production facilities, you’ll get to see the leading technology systems in place and receive a greater insight into how the operations work seamlessly together to
produce our comphrensive range of fertilisers. Terms and Conditions apply.
The VIP TOUR consists of the following:-
• A comprehensive tour of the blending plant at ABP Port of Immingham
• A 30 minute trip in a helicopter from Humberside Airport to Immingham and return via the Humber Bridge
• A traditional ‘‘Fish and Chip’’ lunch at Steels in Cleethorpes
For more informtion about LAMMA please visit
ABP Commercial Manager Chris Vause and Managing Director of Thomas Bell and Sons, Andrew Major at Immingham Bulk Park
(image courtesy of ABP / David Lee Photography)
Thomas Bell and Sons, based in Brigg North Lincolnshire have signed a new deal with ABP which will see them invest in a new blending plant at the ABP Port of Immingham.
The blending plant will allow Thomas Bell to create bespoke fertiliser blends, which will in turn increase the range of products it can offer to the marketplace.
The state-of-the-art plant, which opens in January 2017, includes the latest precision measurement technology with multi hopper conveyer systems and a double screen to improve production
efficiency and to provide optimum product quality.
ABP have invested £100,000 in infrastructure to support the new plant alongside their recent £2 million investment of undercover storage at its dedicated Fertiliser Terminal. Thomas Bell has
extended their agreement with ABP to cover this latest investment.
The companies have been working together for over 20 years and this new venture will see Thomas Bell and Sons significantly increase their current annual volumes through Immingham.
ABP Commercial Manager Chris Vause said: “ABP has a long-standing relationship with Thomas Bell and this increased business is extremely beneficial to the port.
“Thomas Bell chose Immingham because of its infrastructure, location and its ability to discharge fertiliser cargoes up to 25,000 tonnes. We are delighted to secure this additional volume.”
Managing Director of Thomas Bell, Andrew Major said: “This investment in additional
infrastructure will complement our existing activities at Immingham, boost production capability and maintain our reputation for ‘port to farm’ excellence. These benefits and cost savings will be
passed on to our customers.
We have become the UK’s largest independent fertiliser importer on the back of our customer service and those values will remain in place’’
As well as investing in the new plant, Thomas Bell will increase its haulage fleet of ten vehicles to meet demand.